Spotlight on Beautifully New Med Spa: Owner Danielle Oyasu on the popularity of regenerative skin treatments, what microneedling involves and the truth about sunscreen

600 W. Talcott, #103 in Park Ridge
(847) 720-4035
Q: Tell us a bit about your background in skincare and how you’re settling into your new space.
A: When I first embarked on my journey into aesthetics, I knew very little about skin care. I was the first person to shell out hundreds of dollars for any skincare I could find at a department store or Sephora. I have learned over the past several years, however, that unless a skincare product is labeled as “medical grade,” it has a limited capacity to make changes to the dermis.
In fact, according to the FDA, if a skincare product is strong enough to cause any cellular change, it must be classified as a “drug” and therefore can only be prescribed by a physician, nurse practitioner or PA. Medical-grade skincare is always the first step we advise patients to take if they are looking for recommendations.
We are settling into our new space amazingly well. Our patients are over the moon about it!
Q: What’s the most common reason first-time clients come to see your team at Beautifully New?
A: I would say 90 percent of new patients come in through referrals from friends or relatives. We have a very high rate of patient retention due to our strong focus on customer service and our constant drive for improvement. Our providers are continuously participating in continuing education, which has catapulted Beautifully New as a leader in the aesthetic industry.
Q: Describe the rise in popularity of regenerative treatments and how we’re continuously learning more about how our bodies are capable of rejuvenating themselves.
A: Due to the rise in popularity of anti-aging treatments that produce a more natural look, regenerative medicine has become the new frontier of aesthetic medicine. It encompasses innovative therapies that allow the body to repair or regenerate aging cells, tissues and organs. The skin is a particularly attractive organ for the application of novel regenerative therapies due to its easy accessibility. Among these therapies, stem cells and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) have garnered interest based on their therapeutic potential in scar reduction, anti-aging effects and treatment of alopecia.
Stem cells possess the cardinal features of self-renewal and plasticity. Beautifully New carries skincare products, derived from plant-based stem cells, that can remodel the dermis to treat fine lines, wrinkles and skin texture. PRF can be used in microneedling, injections to treat facial volume loss, and injected into the scalp to increase hair growth.
Microneedling — the process of inducing collagen production in the skin — is a wonderful procedure for patients with aging concerns, as well as acne scarring and crepiness.
Q: Can you describe the process of microneedling? What is it and how does it work?
A: Microneedling is the process of inducing collagen production through superficial and controlled punctures in the skin. The patient’s face or body area is numbed with a topical gel for approximately 30 minutes prior to the procedure. Most patients feel almost nothing and have minimal downtime. It is a wonderful procedure for patients with aging concerns, as well as acne scarring and crepiness.
Q: What other skin-care trends do you see on the horizon that could be the next big thing?
A: We are starting to see more devices that tighten and treat skin laxity using devices that utilize radio-frequency therapy. Stay tuned for new devices coming soon to Beautifully New!
Q: Finish this sentence: If you could give your 18-year-old self a bit of skin-care advice, what would it be?
A: It would most definitely be to use sunscreen every day, and no, your foundation containing SPF is not sufficient. Also, stop laying out with baby oil and going to the tanning beds three times a week. Yes, I was guilty of all of it. It has taken years of laser treatments, microneedling and retinol to erase the damage.