Park Ridge Inside Dean Patras on the chicken calabrese at Pennyville Station, the allure of Pines Room, the entertaining new Market After Dark, and looking forward to Social 18

Dean Patras
What you do for a living: I am a human resource executive for Amgen, a multinational biopharmaceutical company.
How long you’ve lived here: How do we count that?! I grew up in Park Ridge and then moved here with my family in 2008. All in, I have called Park Ridge my home for 40 years. (Jeez, that’s hard to say!)
What you like best about Park Ridge: Whoa, that’s a tough one. There are so many things I love about Park Ridge. I’ll go with the community feel in Park Ridge, which shows up in so many different ways. The great people who operate our restaurants and shops, the people who bring events to our town, the people I go to Maine South football games with. I could go on and on, but all of that is because we have a community that cares about being a community. So I’ll go with that.
Best meal you’ve had recently: Well, I just had the chicken calabrese at Pennyville Station. It is one of those dishes that I can’t resist ordering, even though I love trying new things. That dish always calls my name!

Blufish Sushi
Favorite restaurant in the area: I’ll go with Blufish Sushi Bistro. It might seem odd (as a sushi place), but somehow everyone in the family can all find something we enjoy eating there.
The chicken calabrese at Pennyville Station is one of those dishes I can’t resist ordering, even though I love trying new things. That dish always calls my name!
Favorite “hidden gem” restaurant: Thalaiva’s India Kitchen. While right in the heart of town, I feel like it is a hidden gem because I just don’t find a lot of people who enjoy Indian food as much as I do. It’s soooo good though!
Best bar to grab a drink or to catch the game: Well, I’ll go with my wife Jodie’s favorite — Pines Room. The best bar is the one she likes the most because I enjoy being out with her! Although you will probably find me at Harp & Fiddle on occasion.

Pines Room
A great night out with friends usually includes…
It has evolved over time, but I would say that currently a great night out with friends includes going to a concert. We have taken in several concerts this summer and enjoy the adventure into Chicago and then a close to the night at one of our local establishments here in Park Ridge.
Market After Dark is my favorite new event in Park Ridge. A Saturday night that includes craft beer and spirits, food trucks and live entertainment is so much fun.
The best way to spend a Saturday in the fall: How about Market After Dark? This is my favorite new event in Park Ridge. A Saturday night that includes craft beer and spirits, food trucks and live entertainment is so much fun. The last one of the year in Sept. 28 in the farmers’ market lot in Uptown.
What’s something you look forward to every fall?
Hands down, Maine South football. Our son, Mason, plays football for Maine South and we are super excited to watch his final year of football in Park Ridge. We also get to see of our daughter, Mia, cheerleading and our youngest, Emma, perform at dance competitions.

2 Sisters and Brother J’s
Favorite local store or best shopping area: It’s probably a toss-up between 2 Sisters/Brother J’s boutique and Wheel & Sprocket bike shop. How do I choose between style and sport?
Secret spot: Nonna Silvia’s Trattoria on the southeast edge of town. Amazing food, but a little off the beaten path. A must try.
Underrated activity in the area: Wine Walks presented by the Chamber of Commerce. There are two of these a year, one in the fall and one in the spring. Such a fun way to spend a Sunday walking around town and spending time with friends.
I love our events from the Taste of Park Ridge and Market After Dark to Wine Walks, summer car shows, Winterfest and the farmers’ market. There’s just so many fun events in Park Ridge on the weekends… why leave?
Weekend getaway spot: My getaways tend to be events in Park Ridge. I love our events from the Taste of Park Ridge and Market After Dark to Wine Walks, summer car shows, Winterfest and the farmers’ market. There’s just so many fun events in Park Ridge on the weekends… why leave? (OK, I’m the Chamber of Commerce president, so you can allow me one shameless plug!)
What have you heard great things about but have yet to try?
Social 18/Mully’s Grill on Main Street. I am hearing great things, but eagerly awaiting the opening of the newest addition to Park Ridge’s restaurant scene.

Social 18 on Main Street in Park Ridge