Health and wellness: Make time to connect with the Park Ridge Park District this winter

Don’t let the gloominess of winter bring you down. Connect with the Park Ridge Park District for health, wellness and social benefits.
Plug into activity
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, getting 30 minutes of physical activity can improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reduce stress and extend life expectancy.
The Centennial Fitness Center is open. Reserve your visit for a workout or swim. Plus, our popular group fitness classes have even gone virtual in case you are looking for an at-home option.
Plug into creativity
Taking part in creative activities can improve physical and mental well-being, including improving chronic pain, frailty and dementia.
We are offering in-person and virtual online dance, theater, painting and music classes for all ages this winter. Develop your creative interests while also improving your mood, social life and cognitive function.
Plug into nature
Studies from the National Recreation and Park Association show that more time spent in parks and green spaces can help individuals fight against mental-health issues like depression, anxiety and stress.
With 21 parks to enjoy in Park Ridge, one is always within walking distance! The frosty winter weather brings sledding and outdoor ice skating to our parks. The next time it snows, head to the sledding hills located at Centennial and Maine Parks. Or, grab your skates and make your way to South or Oakton Parks for the outdoor ice rinks this season.
Check out our new event, “Missing: The Keys to the Park District Scavenger Hunt,” offered January 16-24. This fun event will get your family outside moving from park to park solving puzzles to find the missing keys.
Plug into play
Play can help relieve stress, improve brain function, stimulate the mind, boost creativity, improve relationships and your connections to others, and keep you feeling young and energetic.
We are currently offering a full range of in-person and online programs for all ages. Visit for details. Online registration is preferred. If you need assistance accessing your account or instructions on how to register online, please contact our customer service staff at 847-692-5127 or at [email protected].
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!