Inside Scoop: The Park Ridge Park District 2022 Referendum — Your chance to vote on improving the aging Oakton Ice Arena and more

By Margaret Holler
Marketing & Public Relations Director
Park Ridge Park District
On November 8, Park Ridge Park District residents will have a chance to vote on improving the aging Oakton Ice Arena, adding an indoor turf field and studio ice rink, and addressing other high-priority needs at Oakton Park and facilities.
The Park Ridge Park District is committed to protecting and improving our community’s parks and recreation facilities. These public assets play a critical role in our quality of life. The project under consideration addresses the needs of the aging Oakton Ice Arena facility, significantly enhances recreation opportunities at Oakton Park and throughout the District, saves the golf driving range, relocates the dog park, and protects the greatest number of trees in the grove. It’s also projected to generate surplus revenues that can be used to offset future capital replacement needs.
The Park Ridge Park District is committed to protecting and improving our community’s parks and recreation facilities, as these public assets play a critical role in our quality of life.
Planned improvements include:
**Renovating the 53-year-old Oakton Ice Arena, including repairing, renovating and/or replacing the outdated, deteriorated siding, mechanicals, ice rink floor, dasher board system, restrooms, locker rooms, lobby area and ventilation system, most of which are past their useful lives
**Moving the team and coaches rooms directly adjacent to the main rink
**Addressing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Illinois Accessibility Code (IAC) compliance issues throughout the building, including the multipurpose room, restrooms, locker rooms, and bleachers
**Replacing the deteriorated parking lot and adding more than 100 additional parking spaces
**Constructing a studio rink, training room, and concessions area
**Building an indoor turf field and multipurpose rooms with adjoining outdoor patio/fireplace
**Adding an outdoor gathering space in the Oak Grove
**Creating a half-mile path circling the park and offering indoor walking opportunities around the perimeter of the new indoor turf field
**Improving the existing driving range by replacing poles and netting along the west and north sides
**Relocating the dog park to allow for facility and parking improvements
**Improving storm water management
The estimated tax impact for a household with a median home value of $437,300 is $136 per year or $11 per month for 25 years. Your vote matters! Vote on November 8, 2022.
Have questions or looking for more information? A virtual meeting will be held Thursday, Oct. 13 at 7 p.m. and you can register for that here. Also, an in-person meeting will be held Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 7 p.m. at the Paula Hassell O’Connor Community Building at Prospect Park (733 N. Prospect Ave.).
To learn more about the referendum project, please visit