Inside Scoop: Fun holiday activities for the family abound with the Park Ridge Park District this December

Santa Trail at the Maine Park Leisure Center Dec. 9
We are bringing Santa and the North Pole to Maine Park, transforming the hallways into our North Pole Trail! Along the trail children make reindeer food, play games, make crafts and enjoy other fun surprises. The best part is, at the end, you get to visit with Santa and take a photo. Sign up for a time slot and come anytime during that time. Trail and visit lasts about 15-20 minutes. Fee is per child. Registration deadline: December 1. Tickets are $19 for residents and $28 for non-residents.
Choose from three time slots:
9 a.m.-10 a.m.
10:15 a.m.-11:15 a.m.
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Swim with Santa Dec. 16
Santa is spending an afternoon at the Centennial Fitness Center pool relaxing before his big day. Join us to swim, sing holiday songs and play reindeer games. Don’t miss your last chance to tell Santa what good girls and boys you have been all year! If your child cannot swim, a parent will need to be in the water with them. Activities take place from 12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m. for $8 for residents and $11 for non-residents.

Oakton winter skating recital Dec. 16
The annual Oakton Ice Show is taking a new form this year as a holiday-themed recital from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. The show is a spectacular showcase of our skaters, and their impressive performances are a culmination of the skills learned and practiced throughout the year. Bring your family and friends to the rink and get into the holiday spirit with our can’t-miss show for all ages!
Skate with Santa Dec. 23
Join us at Oakton Ice Arena from 1-2 p.m. to skate with Santa and his elves. There will be complimentary candy canes for all kids who attend. All skaters will be entered into a drawing to win two tickets to a Chicago Wolves hockey game.
New Year’s Eve in a Box pickup Dec. 27-28
Say goodbye to 2023 and hello to 2024! We supply everything your family needs to celebrate and ring in the New Year safely from home. The box includes five party hats, noise makers, horns, party poppers and beads. You’ll also receive a bottle of sparkling grape juice, five champagne coupes, a family craft, supplies for a fun family science experiment, balloons and a game to play as a family. Pick up your box at the Maine Park Leisure Center on Dec. 27 and 28 from 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Kits are limited, so sign up today. Fee per box is $28 for residents and $38 for non-residents.
New Year’s Eve Around the World Dec. 28
Join us as we celebrate New Year’s Eve traditions from around the world at the Maine Park Leisure Center from 10-11:30 a.m. on Dec. 28. Did you know in Denmark it is custom to break plates to celebrate, and in Ireland the tradition is to throw bread at the walls? In some countries, they do not even recognize Dec 31 as New Year’s Eve! We hand you your passport and travel around the world to partake in different celebration traditions, including crafts, games and tasting different foods. We will email participants a detailed list of the food we will be tasting prior to the program.
For more information and to register for any of these events, visit or call 847-692-5127.